Search results for syria

Long Read: The Story of Maaloula

HART partners with the Syriac Orthodox St. Ephrem Patriarchal Development Committee (EPDC), in a project in Maaloula, that seeks to empower local women to preserve fruit and vegetables both to provide food for their families and for income generation. The village of Maaloula has a remarkable story to tell. Maaloula is dramatically situated against a […]

The Work of EPDC and My Experiences Volunteering at a Refugee Camp

  HART is partnered with EPDC (St. Ephrem Patriarchal Development Committee), which provides the means for people living in poverty and under oppression to increase their capacity to improve their living conditions. Following HART’s partnership with the EPDC, it has worked to help empower the women of Maaloula to combat food scarcity in their community. […]

Baroness Cox: 2019 round up of advocating in the House of Lords

Baroness Cox is the face of HART’s advocacy for the individuals and communities we help. In 2019, through written and verbal questions in the House of Lords, Baroness Cox advocated for Nigeria, Sudan and Syria 52 times, with topics ranging from human rights to sanctions. Baroness Cox has started off the year by advocating for […]

Queen’s Speech Debate 07/01/2019: Baroness Cox Question on Nigeria

Debate Question: Baroness Cox My Lords, Her Majesty’s gracious Speech affirmed the UK’s commitment to “work closely with international partners to help solve the most complex international security issues and promote peace and security globally.” That was a very important commitment, yet I deeply regret that I have personally witnessed how, in Nigeria, British foreign […]

Written Questions & Answers from Baroness Caroline Cox 07/01/2019

Syria Question: Baroness Cox To ask Her Majesty’s Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon on 8 October (HL17990), what further steps they have taken to minimise the impact on civilians of sanctions imposed on Syria. Answer: Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon We remain at the forefront of the humanitarian response to […]

Country Briefings: September – November 2019

In the countries where our partners work, human rights issues, political events and humanitarian crises rarely reach international headlines. Thus, we have put together briefings sourcing the latest humanitarian reports and news from the past three months in Burma, Nigeria, South Sudan, Sudan and Syria. The briefings can be found and downloaded below.  

What could be safer than a “safe zone”?

  On 22nd October 2019 a Russian-Turkish Memorandum of Understanding on north-east Syria was established in response to the violence and humanitarian crisis raging through the region. At the meeting in Sochi, Russia, President Putin and President Erdogan reached a deal that would see the withdrawal of Kurdish forces from a 30km wide area in […]

Baroness Cox discusses Human Rights and Trade Deals in the HoL

On Thursday 3rd October 2019, Baroness Cox urged the British Government to ensure that human rights are considered when deciding future trade deals with other countries. Watch the video on youtube here and see below for the full transcript: My Lords, I also warmly welcome the noble Baroness, Lady Berridge, to her post and wish […]

Country Briefings: June-August 2019

In the countries where our partners work, human rights issues, political events and humanitarian crises rarely reach international headlines. Thus, we have put together briefings sourcing the latest humanitarian reports and news from the past three months in Sudan, Nigeria, South Sudan, Burma, Syria and Nagorno-Karabakh. The briefings for each country can be found below. […]

Nagorno-Karabakh: Tackling a Legacy of Stigmatisation

Soviet attitudes towards disabilities: The Soviets’ mentality towards those with disabilities continues to shape discourse and policies, and the experience of those with disabilities in the region today. The Soviets glorified the human form, but only within a strict set of criteria, and those who didn’t meet this were deemed as ‘other’ or as ‘invalids’. […]

Latest Humanitarian Report on Sudan: March-May 2019 Briefing

In the countries where our partners work, human rights issues, political events and humanitarian crises rarely reach international headlines. We have put together briefings sourcing the latest humanitarian reports and news from the past three months in Sudan, Nigeria, South Sudan, Burma, Syria and Nagorno-Karabakh, which we will be releasing this week. Sudan Excitement over […]

Latest Humanitarian Report on Burma: March – May 2019 Briefing

In the countries where our partners work, human rights issues, political events and humanitarian crises rarely reach international headlines. We have put together briefings sourcing the latest humanitarian reports and news from the past three months in Sudan, Nigeria, South Sudan, Burma, Syria and Nagorno-Karabakh, which we will be releasing this week. Burma Ethnic and […]

Latest Humanitarian Report on South Sudan: March – May 2019 Briefing

In the countries where our partners work, human rights issues, political events and humanitarian crises rarely reach international headlines. We have put together briefings sourcing the latest humanitarian reports and news from the past three months in Sudan, Nigeria, South Sudan, Burma, Syria and Nagorno-Karabakh, which we will be releasing this week. South Sudan Steps […]

Latest Humanitarian Report on Nagorno-Karabakh: March – May 2019 Briefing

In the countries where our partners work, human rights issues, political events and humanitarian crises rarely reach international headlines. We have put together briefings sourcing the latest humanitarian reports and news from the past three months in Sudan, Nigeria, South Sudan, Burma, Syria and Nagorno-Karabakh, which we will be releasing this week. Nagorno-Karabakh  OSCE-Minsk group […]

Latest Humanitarian Report on Nigeria: March – May 2019 Briefing

In the countries where our partners work, human rights issues, political events and humanitarian crises rarely reach international headlines. We have put together briefings sourcing the latest humanitarian reports and news from the past three months in Sudan, Nigeria, South Sudan, Burma, Syria and Nagorno-Karabakh, which we will be releasing this week. Nigeria In 2019, […]

HART Prize for Human Rights 2019| De-Territorial

This year we received a record number of entries from a diverse range of countries, resulting in our toughest competition yet! We were truly impressed by the quality, creativity, and passion for Human Rights demonstrated by our participants, and toughly enjoyed all the submissions we received. Alex Parnham-Cope won the joint 2nd place in our HART Prize […]

HART Prize for Human Rights 2019| On Switch Off

This year we received a record number of entries from a diverse range of countries, resulting in our toughest competition yet! We were truly impressed by the quality, creativity, and passion for Human Rights demonstrated by our participants, and toughly enjoyed all the submissions we received. Beck Broom won the joint 2nd place in our HART Prize […]

HART Prize for Human Rights- Winners Announced

A big congratulations to all those who participated in the 2019 HART Prize for Human Rights!  This year we had a record number of entries from an eclectic number of countries around the world, and this was our toughest competition yet! Regardless of the results, all entrants to the competition should be very proud of their accomplishments. We […]

Country Briefings – December 2018 to February 2019

Every three months, we publish news-round ups on key issues, humanitarian reports and political conditions which affect HART’s partner organisations. Read about ISIS’ last enclave in Syria, Nigeria’s presidential election, and the release of 119 child soldiers in South Sudan by clicking on the country links below. These briefings also bring much-needed attention to the […]

Human Rights Watch 2019 World Report

On Thursday 17th January, Human Rights Watch (HRW) released its 29th annual review of human rights practices in more than 100 countries around the world. The report summarises the key threats to human rights in those countries, reporting on events from late 2017 through to November 2018. HRW Executive Director Kenneth Roth commented:“In some ways […]

Children in Conflict – 2018 Review

In 2018, humanitarian reports were defined by violations against children. Described by UNICEF as the moral crisis of our age, children in conflict areas were used as human shields, soldiers on frontlines and suicide bombers while atrocities and extreme expressions of violence continued with ‘near-total’ impunity in several countries around the world. Nigeria, Syria, South Sudan […]

Country Briefings – September to November 2018

In the countries where our partners work, important news, events and humanitarian crises are often neglected by the global community. We have put together briefings to highlight recent developments from the past three months in Sudan, Nigeria, South Sudan, Burma, Nagorno Karabakh and Syria. Press freedoms are restricted in many of these countries and states. […]

The Dangers of Being a Girl in a Refugee Camp

Refugee camps are home to some of the most vulnerable portions of global societies – those forced to leave their homes for fear of persecution, war, natural disasters, and other threats to life. Nearly 25.4 million refugees have endured an experience that, fortunately, most of us will not face. Daily life becomes difficult and futures […]

Possible consequences of the looming conflict in Idlib.

    As the complicated and controversial conflict in Syria reaches new heights of intensity, the ravaged city of Idlib seems to be the next target for the Syrian army as it takes back control of its territories. However, as the recent history of these urban battles has proven, the close quartered nature of the […]