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News Round up 10/02/17

News News from HART The HART Prize for Human Rights is still open for entries, click here for information Burma After months of public silence, Aung San Suu Kyi’s office donates 300 million Kyats ($222,000) to people displaced by the conflict in Kachin State. Hundreds March With the Popular Movement for Peace on Monday – calling for […]

News Round-Up 27/01/2017

News from HART The HART Prize for Human Rights is still open for entries, click here for information Burma  Human Rights Watch and Fortify Rights, amongst others, have called on Burmese authorities to immediately release or appropriately charge two ethnic Baptist leaders who were arbitrarily detained by the military in December. Burma’s State Counsellor, Daw […]

News Round-Up 20/01/2017

Burma  Leadership Change Looms for Burma’s strongest ethnic armed group, United Wa State Army (UWSA) Humanitarian aid allowed to villages of Rohingyas after UN Special Rapporteur visit OIC calls upon the UN to intervene in Burma to avoid genocide of Rohingya Muslims Missing Kachin pastors have been confirmed to be detained by the Burmese army […]

News Round-Up 13/01/2017

News from HART HART is currently looking for a new Finance and Admin Intern. More details can be found here. Application closes Sunday 15th January (midnight). Burma  65,000 Rohingya Muslims have fled to Bangladesh since the Burmese army launched a crackdown in north of Rakhine state. Out of these 65,000, a third of them have fled over […]

News Round-Up 21/10/2016

Burma  Amnesty International has called on Burma to immediately lift all restrictions on humanitarian aid. These restrictions are currently preventing vital access to aid in Rakhine and Kachin States. Aung San Suu Kyi has defended herself against claims she has ignored the plight of the Rohingya Muslim population. More than 1 million Rohingyas live in […]

News Round-Up 30/09/16

News from HART: We have an interesting new blog post on women in Burma’s role in the peace process from our Research and Campaigns intern Rory Morgan, click here to read more. Burma  An IDP camp in Kachin State has been told it must obtain permission from the Kachin State government to deliver aid. No […]

The Limitations of Tea-Break Advocacy – Women sidelined in Burma’s Peace Process

With former political prisoner and current State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi arguably being the country’s most recognisable figure, it is understandable that many assume the women in Burma are playing an active role in the country’s current period of reform. The reality, however, is worryingly to the contrary. An upsetting pattern is emerging […]

News Round-Up 16/09/16

News from HART: We’ve had a busy week in our new offices and an exciting visit from our Burmese local partner Dr Sasa! Sasa gave a wonderful talk in the House of Lords that you can read about by clicking here. Burma  The international community has been surprised this week as the US has ended […]

21 Century Panglong Conference: A step towards peace?

  Almost everyone in Burma is familiar with the Panglong Conference of 1947. Schoolbooks portrayed it as the moment when the country’s entire ethnic group came together to join a union after gaining independence from the British colonial rule. In reality, however, the political outcome was quite different. One month after the conference, its main […]

News Round-Up 29/07/16

News from HART Read Charlie Hart’s account of the Modern Slavery Garden that won Gold at this year’s Chelsea Flower Show here. Volunteer and fundraise for HART this summer! See here for ways you can get involved. Burma A summit this week brought together seventeen leaders of different rebel groups in the war ravaged town of Kachin, close […]

Burma’s Jade is lucrative business but will its people ever see the benefit?

The wealth of Burma Burma’s vast jade industry is among the murkiest in the world. In the top echelons of this sector, corruption is high and accountability low. The exact amount of wealth generated by Burmese jade was for a long time unknown. However, research by Global Witness indicated that the value of the trade […]

News Round-Up 17/06/16

Burma Credits: JPaing, The Irrawaddy. A military consultant writing for HIS Jane’s has highlighted the use of unmanned aerial drones by the Burma Army. The Chinese made drones have the capability of delivering surgical airstrikes, as well as undertaking surveillance roles. The drones have been deployed in Kachin and Shan states. A screening of a film […]

HART Thailand-Burma Borderlands Visit Report – May 2016

HART visited our partners and other civil society organisations working in Shan, Kachin, Karen and Karenni states in Burma and with refugees in Thailand in May 2016. Download our full visit report below. Summary: Fighting continues in Shan, Kachin and Rakhine states. The Burma Army have used airstrikes against civilians in May this year and […]

News Round-Up 27/05/16

        Burma The Myanmar government will allow exiled opposition activists who are still on an official “no-entry” blacklist to return to the Southeast Asian country within 100 days, said deputy foreign affairs minister Kyaw Tin on Thursday.   BBC News – Myanmar jade mine landslide kills at least 12 in Kachin […]

Baroness Cox asked the House of Lords about issues in Sudan and Burma

Yesterday, Baroness Cox asked the British Government for their position on military attacks on civilians in the Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains, Sudan and aid spending in Burma. You can read Lady Cox and other Peers’ questions and the Government’s replies below. HOUSE OF LORDS May 23rd 2016 Sudan & Burma Question Asked by Baroness […]

If you were the President or Prime Minister of one of the countries in which HART works, what would you do to improve the human rights situation in that country and how would you do it? | HART Prize for Human Rights

  This essay, by Archie Barker, received second prize in the 2016 HART Prize for Human Rights, Junior Essay Category.   Undoubtedly, the most publicized human rights violation in Burma is the persecution of 1.3 million Rohingya Muslims, who mostly reside in Rakhine State where they make up 40.75% of the population. Almost 140,000 Rohingya have been displaced […]

HART News Round-up 5/2/16

News from HART Baroness Cox spoke in the House of Lords on Wednesday supporting amendments to the Immigration Bill, calling for victims of genocide to be granted asylum in the UK. In a busy week, Baroness Cox also asked a supplementary question on International Again against female genital mutilation on Thursday. Burma This week marked […]

HART Weekly News Round-up 22/01/16

News from HART Read the Press Release from HART’s recent visit to Sudan: “THEY ARE KILLING US LOUDLY BUT NO ONE IS LISTENING”: Civilians speak out about impending attacks and war crimes committed by the Government of Sudan. We published previous intern Olivia Rosenstrom’s legal report on the legal implications of large-scale developments in Burma: […]

HART Weekly News Round-up 8/1/2016

News from HART: In December our team visited northern Nigeria and saw first-hand the magnitude of the devastation and terror inflicted on civilians by Boko Haram. HART’s Winter Newsletter is now available and ready to download, including updates from our partners all around the world. HART Ambassador Eric Kakore has written an excellent blog on […]

Weekly News Round-Up (27/11/2015)

News from HART Previous HART intern Natasha Self examines the historical relationship between Timor-Leste and Indonesia in her blog ‘Indonesia and Timor Leste: from Occupation to Cooperation’ HART Administrator Anna Cox discusses the role that development of essential services and infrastructure can play in helping to stem fighting in South Sudan. Wednesday was International Day […]

Local actors: the future of humanitarian action

This year’s World Disasters Report states that local actors, such as National Societies, national non-governmental organisations (NGOs), faith based organisations (FBOs) and community based organisations (CBOs), are ‘the key to humanitarian effectiveness’. Localisation of aid is also a key feature in all four themes of the upcoming World Humanitarian Summit in May 2016. This renewed […]

Beauty and Brilliance

We have just received a copy of two articles written by Baroness Cox for British Global and Travel Health Association (BGTHA) magazine Travelwise and thought we’d share them with you. In Travelwise 54 Spring 2015, Baroness Cox shares about the inspirational story of our partner in Chin State, Burma – Dr Sasa. Find out more about the work of Dr […]