
Contact Your MP: Tell Them to say “NO” to UK Trade Deals with Countries that are Accused of Genocide

15 January 2021


Next week, the much-anticipated Trade Bill will make its way to the House of Commons. Your MP will have the chance to say “NO!” to UK trade deals with countries that are accused of genocide.

In December, the House of Lords voted by a majority of 129 in favour of the amendment. But it needs to be approved by the House of Commons before it can become law.

If approved, the amendment will give the High Court of England and Wales the opportunity to make a ‘predetermination of genocide’ before the UK is able to commit to new bilateral trade deals.


Key points to raise with your MP: 

— The UK should not trade with genocidal regimes.

— Perpetrators must be brought to justice for these most serious international crimes, which continue with impunity.

— It is time for the UK to show moral courage and leadership and accept the ‘Genocide Amendment’ – to send the world a clear message that we won’t be complicit with the “crime of crimes”.

— The UK Government should stop making technical excuses and stand up to the crime of genocide across the world.

— The UK Government should not hesitate in affirming the principle that we will not trade with countries judged to be mired in genocide.


Please email your MP today and urge them to support the ‘Genocide Amendment’ to the Trade Bill.


Not sure who your MP is or how to contact them? Click here:


A template email is available to download below if you wish.

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